My Lovely Followers :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Out of Here

I wanna get out of here.

Away from these people

Away from the pain.

Away from the stress.

No more hiding.

No more games.

To a place where there is only a





And when I go to bed at night

I'll be happy

and content

and I'll know where I should be

right here with you.

Sorry for this ridiculous post everyone just thought I might share how I feel and some lovely pictures I've discovered. I think I'm a too cheerful blogger. I'm just so ready to go to the this time next week I will be! I'm ready for a change. And forget about these people.

So share what you all are feeling right now.



Alice in Wonderland said...

I love your photo's!
Everyone's blog is their own, so you have every right to say whatever you think or feel. People won't think less of you if you just want a rant!
Just do what you feel.
Big Hugs!

Anonymous said...

This is an awesome post :)

Oddyoddyo13 said...

This was very sweet. :) There's no need to be happy all the time, though it is a easier than being a little hurt or a little put down. I'm just glad you decided to share it with us.

Anonymous said...

Oh Abby, It is so not ridiculous. The post is beautiful. Share more if you want.


Gabrielle said...

I feel exactly the same way :)

<3 <3,

Talia said...

Great post as usual, and right now I'm feeling pretty calm. Lots of love =) <33

Unknown said...

That wasn't silly at all ❤
Have an AMAzzzzING time at the beach. (Damn I wish you could do italics in comments XD)

Unknown said...

Oh and I'm feeling better too :D but I'm a little sad because I just finished up my last shift with the chef. :(

Brooklynn said...

I love the pictures Abs *& the poetry.
Share more feelings, be like me in computers *& just have a story time.(:

Ruth said...

Great post!
I am not feeling really happy, exams are coming :(
Have fun at the beach :)

Lexi said...

sos, love this post! well, i always love ALL your posts anyway!

Suyinsays said...

these pics are gorgeous!
thank you for the lovely comment :) aaaaaaaaaaaand im going to the gaga tonight!
lots of love

Áine said...

A great post as always :)

Better to be honest than to hide your feelings!

Francesca said...

Those are all such lovely photos.
It's good to get your feelings out sometimes. I feel the same way.
Hope you feel better soon hon. :)

Anonymous said...

The post as not ridiculous....sharing how you feel is never ridiculous. I am going to get to see the ocean at the end of June too! My girls have never seen the ocean...

How am I feeling??? Kind of bored....Usually I watch YouTube when I am bored....But that isn't working today...

Kasia W. said...

beautiful pics!

Anonymous said...

awww girl! that was beautiful!

I totally agree.
feeling the same way lol.

I definitely need a change too.

I went to the beach!
you should go!


Also I gave you an award. Check it out on my blog!


ЯANdOM ЯAWR said...

You always sound so happy, but you shouldn't pretend you are if you aren't. I hope this award makes you feel better!
Right now I am kind of annoyed because I have a bad cold and a headache. Stupid school.

xx Blaize.

NabilaHazirah said...

Love this post! The pictures are fabulous <3

Katie :) said...

Hey abby, sorry i havent commented in a while, i feel really bad about it! i really missed your sweet psots tho. ive been busy! anyhow, i came back to this blog and the song cowboy casanova came on, but for somereason my speakers were up rlyrlyrly high, so I about had a heart attack haha! i didnt feel very welcome, haha. but i like this post, the ocean picture at the top is gorgeouss

Abby. said...

Katie-haha miss you girl!!! (and your blog!)
lol don't worry carrie was just inviting ya in..don't let her scare you off!
thanks yeah i love the pics.
so how are you?

Sara said...

thank you for the lovely comment dear :) you are a sweetie. and i am thinking i would like to go to the beach now as well!

Anonymous said...

Sweetie pie! How are you feeling now?. I hope you are better.
Stay beautiful.


Full-On-Forward said...

Lovin' it!

I don't know where my Pic went-but I signed up to follow a long while back--but I redid it! I'ts been disappearing a lot!

Blogger is weird- but your not! Enjoy the beach!


{ felicity } said...

so. jealous. RIGHT. now. I want nothing more than to go to the beach and just r e la x. Instead I get have assignments. But enjoy yourself on my behalf, please.

Rose said...

wondrous post, at times i feel the same way...

Anonymous said...

of course! happens all the time!

luckily for me, I get to escape to germany next week!

xx scarzz

Amy said...

Lovely pictures! And yeah, I changed my name back to Amy. It's originally Amy, but I get bored because name is so short, and Amy is a shorter version of Amelia. Plus, I'm thinking of pen names.

Gabrielle said...

i always love reading your sweet comments Abby! Weird to think I first saw you when you commented on Sarah Dessen's website. When i got to your blog after you joined mine, your banner matched your icon when you commented, so I was like, "No way!"

I hope you do the memory challenge! Blinglicious actually made it up though. Next I'm starting the 15 Day Dream Challenge by Mizz Ali and the 10 Day Friendship Challenge :)That should be goin' for the summer

<3 <3

mel said...

gorgeous photo:) i really loved this post... what i feel is always reflected in my blogging...but i understand what you are saying in this post..have you ever felt lost, sad and broken? im just there right now.. sorry, that was way depressing - i do love all your posts though, your blog alway makes me smile love, have a fab week