So, yesterday I went to an antique store my mom & I rarely go to in our town. My mother loves antiques, that's what our whole house is decorated in.
I liked this antique store, my mom, not so much. She likes primitives, and this place just had a lot of random antiques. I could've spent all day in there. I could only manage to get pictures of paintings they had there, but they had A LOT more things there than that.

My reflection in an old mirror.

Painting of some land.

I thought this bunny collection was cute. :)

I don't know who this is, but it reminded me of that Napoleon guy.

This was my favorite painting by far!

Cute littel Shirley Temple.

I loved this plate.

Hehe old baby picture.

I ♥ wolves. I want one. If it wouldn't eat me.

Titanic on VCR!!!!!! Actually, inside it held 2 VCR tapes! And it had awesome pictures on it too. I want it! And I will get it. It's only $3!!!!

I was all snuggled up in my school jacket in the car and my brother said I looked like Cruella DeVille. (Note, the white part of my jacket isn't usually bunched up, it's usually laying flat on my back. But when I was sitting against the seat it done that.)
Brookie says I look a bit evil in this^ photo. Hehe I kind of do. ;) MWAAAAHHHH!!!!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend, loves.
Oh alright...well, consider youself tagged in shelby's place. :) I'll keep you in mind more often.
I love antiques too! That little picture of the blue guy...his name is blueboy there's a girl called pinky, they're very rare and expensive if you find origionals.
I love antique stores. Sometimes antiques are so much better than new things, because they have their own special stories, even if you never know how they go.
Antique shops are fabulous :) That is a great way to spend the day!
Bleah-Ok thanks! And thanks for the info.
Francesca-Exactly! That's how I feel.
Nicole-It is!
You are so pretty.
I love antique stores too. Oh my, the land scape painting is to die for.
Tywo-Thanks. Me and my other blogger friend Brooke think you are gorgeous.
You're really pretty!
I love anything antique (incase you couldn't decide on what to give me for my birthday). But I'm not really fond of the smell of the stores you get them from! :P
xx Blaize
I like that indian drawing
Blaize-Thanks. Haha, I know what you mean, but this place didn't smell that bad.
Chloe-Yes, me too that is my favorite one. :)
I like antiques. But I've never bought them before. I just love admiring them.
Nabilah-Yeah, I don't buy much, I just like going into shops and looking at them. :)
lol...oh you totally have to earn it. You have to jump over ten cliffs and walk on water no, take it. All I ask is that if you decide to give it away that you say it came from me.
Love you girl,
God Bless,
Bleah Briann
ive never been to an antique store; everytime i peek in the window of one they always look so cluttered and covered in dusty dustbunnies. but your little findings are lovely. the photos of shirley temple are darling. much love, samantha ♥
Cute glasses, but doesn't it get tiring at the end of the end? Maybe cause I switched to contacts a long time ago. Now days when I wear my glasses, it bothers me at the end of the day. ><
I could spend all day in antique stores, like Francesca said, each individual piece is special, and tells a story, even though you may never know it.
Milky Rose-Oh but darling, it's so much more than that. Maybe just take a peek inside and you'll find treasures that you like.
reeeesah-No, it doesn't bother me. I have very bad eyesight, so I'm glad to have my glasses so I don't get headaches. ;)
Kakes-Me too, they're just wonderful. You never know what you might discover.
Thanks for your lovely comments everyone. I ♥ you all.
Hey Abby, you made my day with the comment! You are too nice.
I love your blog!!
Tywo-It is very very true. I ♥ yours as well. It sprinkles my day with purple fairy dust & happiness. :)
i love antiquing. tooo much fun giirl.
There is a "LIKE" button on your tumblr page :)
bettybite-Hehe me too.
The Little Flower-Thanks!
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