Day 2 of beautiful weather:
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Beautiful Days
So, these beautiful days have been striking us. Okay, only 2 days so far. Most of them have been rainy... Okay, I'll start with Day 1:
It was a a tad chilly, but I could handle it, & I just wanted to soak up some rays!
Me in my skirt that I haven't worn since 5th grade, it's a bit little, but I wanted to wear that outside.
Me in my mocassins. A lot of people make fun of my shoes, but I love them! They're so cool, & I like Native Americans.

My shadow. Duh.
This is how clear the sky was. NO CLOUDS! (Even though I love them!)

My Princess Ariel barrette. It's actually my little sister's, but I took it from her. ;)
Day 2 of beautiful weather:
Awesome, huh? I swear these are the real clouds that I took a picture of.
Day 2 of beautiful weather:
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You live in a wonderful environment :] Love your pictures.
Your blog is fantastic!!! I love it! The pictures are fantastic!!!
you are so pretty! :) I LOVE YOUR EYES! this collection of images rock, you're a good photographer!
oh, and cutie, i'll do your blogger tag as soon as i can.
I saw this post full of pictures, and I screamed! I love it!
I love pictures. It seems like you are enjoying the weather. That's awesome!.
Oh, I do love your skirt. All my skirts are little too! (only because i'm a tree. Yeah, i'm freaking 6'1!!)..haha...Long comment.
I just over-love your blog! (Is that a word?)
Reeeesah-Yeah, I guess you could say that. Thanks. ♥
Jen-Thanks for follwing me. :)
Eri-Thanks bunches. :)
Tywo-Haha you don't look that tall in your pictures. I'm 5'4". I'm allll legs though, hehe. Over-love, hmm I don't know but it is now!
Abby I love this. It's just so you and random. I love your bloggie bestie,(:
The weather is so beautiful where I am too! I put on shorts when I got home and danced in the streets with my friend! I love the photos, especially the shadow ones! It's funny because my friend loves the princess arial (in a joking way) so I got her those clips in a different color for her birthday! Well, they might be a little different.
I love your shoes, by the way. :)
Okayy here is my thing Abby
A Rae of Sunshine
On April 30th, 1996 there was a storm raging outside of the ultra-chic, undercover, maternity hospital in NYC. Its name would be here, but you can't know. Amy Marinelli was having her baby who would be named Maggie. It's funny because one month ago, she was red-capeting it with hubby Brad for the Oscars while their four year-old daughter, Laurie was with Gigi and Papaw. The moment the baby was born, the storm stopped and the sun shone through the window and onto the baby's forehead. Laurie's music box music twinkled into the room. Laurie was dancing and pretending the hospital rails were ballet barres as she twirled around. Gigi and Gamma were sandwiched in between their husbands, Papaw and Paps respectively. Gigi had a sudoku book in between her knees and a pencil behind her ear. Papaw and Paps had nodded off into their golf magazines.
Meanwhile, Amy and Brad made a decision. The baby's name was Maggie Rae for the "rae" of sunshine that had come pouring through the window welcoming into the world. Maggie Rae and Laurie soon learned that their lives would be wun-der-full!
Exactly fourteen years later, a similar storm was raging outside the window of Maggie Rae Marinelli's bedroom. The lightning flash and moon shone onto a turquoise, black, and white color-block dress hanging on a dress-form with a big, chunky, necklace with turquoise beads and pearls. Laid right underneath that were a pair of turquoise glitter Louboutins. The green letters on her black iHome flashed "12:00". Her Motorola rival started playing Maroon 5, Jonas Brothers, and Lady Gaga singing "happy birthday" from her 13th birthday party. The storm stopped. Maggie Rae looked at her phone. She saw the calender notification and let the song finish. She was finally 14!!! Happy Birthday to me.
Later that morning, she got up. When she looked at her phone she had 14 "happy birthday!" texts, some of which were from Bile-y Cyrus(aka Hannah Barf-tana), TheJoBros, Gaga, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, and Taylor Swift. The rest were from like, her bestest best friends. to four of them she replied "Thanks gurl! Cant wait to see ya @ my partayy :) lys" and one was "Thanks. c ya this aftrnoon!". What about the other one? Well, that was a bit flirtier and directed to-who else- Jacob Petersburg, the most gorgeous guy in the whole school, AND Maggie Rae's crush and (hopefully) future-bf. She slid her phone closed and stuck it in the black satin clutch on her accessory shelf. After picking up the remote to her iHome, she pointed it towards her green iPod and hit play. She danced towards the dress form to the playlist her sister-frans had made for her. The first song was Tik Tok by Ke$ha and Maggie Rae sang along. "Hahahahahahahahah! Oh man, will I feel like 'P. Diddy' today" Maggie Rae laughed into her Juicy Coutoure-scented hands. She slid the brightly-colored dress over her hair and it fit perfectly. After fastening the clasp on the ultra-long necklace, she grabbed her black hairbrush and brushed out her dirty-blonde hair. She plugged up her straightener and started her makeup. After doing that, she fixed her hair, put on pearl earrings, and rubbed more perfume onto her wrists and a bit on her neck.
A lime-green laptop was sitting on her black desk and she turned it on, still moving to the tunes, this time to Sexi Chick. She opened up her Gmail, Facebook, and twitter all at one time. "44 new emails! Wow, forty from Facebook- no suprise there!" she laughed and read the four which were online shopping discounts for her birthday. Facebook had forty notifications all messages or wall posts. She typed in a status "Its my bdayy yayayyy. Partayyy @ 1:40 2day. Hangin w/ my gurls Abi, Bex, Gwenn, and delia :) text it!" ********
more in a minute
heres more
, she closed the FB tab and looked at the twitter. She used the same message just added the @ signs before the names. She quickly remembered something and opened FB again. After changing her profile pic to the new one, she closed her laptop and went downstairs. On her way down the polished, wooden staircase, her light gray kitten with pale blue eyes rubbed her face against her slick and freshly-shaved legs. "Hey Ellie" Maggie Rae cooed into her cat's fur. She went back upstairs and grabbed a turquoise collar for Ellie and fastened it around her little neck. She click-clacked down the spiral staircase holding Ellie and sat down at the piano. Her mom had laid out the music for "Half of my Heart" by John Mayer and Tayor Swift. With a few minutes to herself, she disappeared into the music and sang to herself. Her fingers flew over the keys as her voice danced. Ellie fell asleep on a black pillow in the corner of the room. When she finished she smiled. Suddenly she was aware of her Dad clapping and Laurie, her mom, and her little sister Sara standing behind her.
"How 'bout this?" Sara asked placing the music for Happy Birthday on the white baby-grand. Maggie Rae laughed and played as her family sang to her. But she was oh, so ready for her partayyy and her sister-frans!
It's good. :)
I'm wondering what is going to happen in the story though.
well shes gonna party, chill with friends, and then her rents are gonna drop the bomb on her and her sisters
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