Here is MY ANNUAL Random Wednesday's I've had ever since I started my blog where I post a couple of random pictures, because Wednesday is my favorite day of the week.

Cute nails.

Some more cute nails.

Hehe this pic^ reminds me of
Tywo because it's a purple fairy.
Have a nice day, everyone, & I hoped you enjoyed my annual Random Wednesday!
Pin Head Larry,
Sorry to hear about your copy cat.
That "person" need to think of her OWN ideas.
I Love your Random Wednesdays.
And I really love the purple fairy and the penguin nails. SO CUTEE!
Love you Pin Head and your blog.(:
Dirty Dan
oh. Um, I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you.I thought Lots of people do random wednsdays. I can stop if you like. Please tell me if it offends you and I'll stop. I love you, and your blog and I would hate for something like this to come between us.
With love and blessing,
Bleah Briann
Bleah-I replied on your blog.
thts great love the pics.. and happy bday to ur brthr (:
hope u like the movie..
Cris-Thanks. :)
I hope so too!
I'm sorry, I never meant to steal anything. I just really liked the idea. You know they say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.
But I'll be more then happy to change it.
Hope nothing has changed between out blogging relationship.
I love you girl, and I am very happy God has allowed us to cross paths.
With Love And Blessings,
Bleah Briann
Bleah-That's okay. :)
Nothing has changed, I still ♥ you & your bloggie.
I think you should just stick with "Picture Perfect," it's really cool & original!
Indeed, cute nails. :] I'm not used to seeing simple nail art like that because I always get a different kind of nail art.
reeeesah-I ♥ em! (I wish I had those nails for a while!)
I know what you mean...
Love the nails! They're great
Hey I was wondering if you'd like to join this really awesome blog I found! It also is about the fun of randomness but its soo not a copy cat! Here's the link, just copy and paste it!
Abby! I really do heart you!..haha
My mom bought me the fake nails like the one in the first picture. I don't think I could ever wear them, though they are super cute!.
I have a shadow picture on my recent post. I got the brave idea from you!! I love your shadow picture(from your last post).
I also love the bond between you and Brooklynn. I like your names(dirty dan, and pin head larry).
Gabrielle-Thanks! I'll be sure to check it out. :)
Tywo-I ♥ you & I love your shadow picture! We got those names off of Spongebob!
The nails are CUTE! The picture with two men are hilarious! LOL! :D
The Little Flower-That's Beevus & Butthead. :)
interesting....i think....
I want penguins on my fingernails! So cute ^^
Raja-Man-Thanks, I think...
Random Rawr-I know, wouldn't that be so cute?
Love the penguins painted on the nails. Haha it's so cute.
Sorry I've been so MIA. Been really busy. Hope you're having a fantastic start to this week, Abby! <3
HAHAHA beavis and butthead...
i live VERY close to where the author of that comic went to high school... they say he got his inspiration from his days at that high school
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