My Lovely Followers :)

Friday, March 12, 2010

My Future Tag

I have been tagged by Random Rawr to tell you all where I hope I will be in 10 years....
So, here goes:
First off,
I want to be happy. Truly happy.
I want to be married, and be in love. I don't think I will have any kids in 10 years, because I'll still be in law school. Obviously, I want to be a successful lawyer. If not that, a photographer. Any kind, actually, a nature photographer.
I want to live in a cosy house, not too big, not too small with a window above the kitchen sink when I wash the dishes. (I don't want a diswasher. I love washing dishes.) I want the house to smell like a warm oven with cookies in it.
I want a very big oak tree in the backyard for me to climb on the pretties days.
I want a cute fat cat named Oliver to snuggle with when hubby is not home.
I'm not sure what kind of car, because who knows what radical cars will be out in 2020?!
I want to read a lot, and still learn a lot.
I want to be traveling to all of the places I want to go. I want to walk along the Great Wall of China, be kissed in front of The Eiffel Tower, snorkel in the Great Barrier Reef, skydive, go to space, (I wish), ride on a Safari in Africa, honeymoon in the Bahamas and go whale-watching. So many places. But do not worry all, all of my dreams will come true.
I tag:
Hannah, Camelgirl, Eliza, Cass, and Erimentha.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
I have a special awards post coming soon!
Ask me questions on my Formspring.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tag, love :)

Abby. said...

Cass-Your welcome!

Anonymous said...

Awww...I truly hope you become happier than you can ever imagine. You deserve it, for being so lovely to everybody.

Anonymous said...

P.S....I love your last sentences about traveling places in such a romantic manner. haha
Oh my, you are filled with love!

Abby. said...

Tywo-Yes I am filled with love, and I just want to travel the world.

Mila said...

Wonderful post, dear!
I hope all your dreams will come true...

I have some dreams which are the same as yours...


Abby. said...

Mila-Thanks, me too.

Hannah said...

Thanks for tagging me 8)

Abby. said...

Hannah-Your welcome. :)

Gabrielle said...

Wow! I wish I had some idea of where I'll be in ten years, it'll be interesting. I love your blog, especially your banner, its sooo pretty. :)


Abby. said...

Gabrielle-You'll know when the time's right.
Thanks. :)

julialow said...

beautiful dreams and goals. i sincerely hope you will get to achieve them some day! i know you will, dearest. never let go of these dreams! (:

sorry i've been MIA lately. been really busy. how have you been? :)
