Psh, yeah I wish. No, it's about me going to see Alice in Wonderland.
I thought it was really really good! Loved the Hatter of course, and oh my gees The Red Queen was hilarious! If I had to live in that castle, I could NOT take her seriously. Well, until I got my head chopped off...
In the hallway leading to the bathroom, there were all kinds of framed pictures. I liked this one of Audrey Hepburn.

Have an übertastic day!
Some cinemas in England are refusing to show "Alice in Wonderland" because it will be released on D.V.D. in May, so I am pretty annoyed about that...but I have pre-ordered it. It won't be as good seeing it on the small screen rather than seeing it on the big screen and I was so looking forward to it!
At the moment, "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus" D.V.D. is just about to drop through my letter-box any day now! I saw that when it opened last October, and it was well worth the wait!
Seeing Heath again was pure magic!!!
Strangely enough, that sign saying that Money can't buy you happiness, is exactly what Johnny said about Heath...Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a yacht to sail right into it!
You went to Kentucky to see Alice in Wonderland? And all the movie theaters down here have ticket booths outside. We even have an old fashion theater, with flashing lights and all. =]
Cool post!
TThank you so much for sharing the photo website with me. I've spent my whole day on that site! It's amazing. And thanks for the question!...I asked you one to. Sorry if its not very creative.
In fifth grade, I played the red queen in the play. For a week after the performance, people wouldn't stop saying to me, "off with his head!" haha.
That theater looks really cool, like the old fashioned kind from the notebook. I would have like to go to one like that!
Looks like you had fun!
I loved this movie it was fantastic!!! I loved taking the trip with you!
I want to see Alice in Wonderland, but the old Disney one majorly creeped me out when I was little so I've been a little hesitant about it. Of course, I feel like a baby admitting this, but as a kid I was just so frightened :) I preferred the Little Mermaid!
Alice in Wonderland was great!
I like your pictures!
If you pop the plastic out of the glasses, they end up looking like 'nerd glasses'. The pictures are sweet, I like how you can write a post using, like, only pictures.
And yeah, I wouldn't take the Red Queen seriously until I got my head chopped off.
xx Blaize.
I know wasn't IT AWESOME! Opening day was MAD! As mad as the Hatter practically. Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for all of your great comments on my blog :D
Thanks for the hilarious comment on my blog. I love doing prank calls, but I last for 10 seconds before cracking up, tops. So then I just have to hang up, but it's funny anyway!
Hey Abby, love your pics! Your eyes are really pretty! I tagged you on my blog! Bleah Briann made a tag and my friend Ellie tagged me so now I'm uh, tagging you! Just check it out when you get a chance!
hahaha such a cute post. thanks for sharing!!
You look so cute in the 1st picture ^^
I never got to see this movie. -_- I guess I just have to get the dvd when it comes out!
I went to see Alice in Wonderland twice inthe space of three days I though it was that good :)
Thanks for all the lovely pictures,I especially liked the last one :)
love your blog :)
I loved Alice in Wonderland!! It was such a great movie, definitely one of my favorites. That magnet you got is awesome!
It looks like you had a really fun day and I am glad for that :)
haha! i love that! and i never put the 3d glasses back! at our theater they charge extra so i believ it is my right to keep them ! :)
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