Before you read this post, and you haven't read the one before this, you might want to!
So, when I got to school, they checked my bag (and everyone else's.) There were cop cars EVERYWHERE outside. And cops by all of the doors. And NO ONE was at school. Yeah, half of the middle school was home. It was awesome though, I liked having 5 or 6 people in every class.

We done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in every classes. (Except 2, and those were the ones I predicted we'd do stuff in anyways.)
Literature-Went to the computer labs.
Social Studies-Watched "Old Dogs." (Borrriiiingg. Except a few parts.)
Health-Work. As usual. Same ol' same ol'.
LUNCH-(Hardly anyone was in there.)
Computers-Played around on the internet.
Algebra-Checked homework and talked.
Language Arts-Got on the internet on class laptops.
So yeah, today was a pretty boring day, but awesome nonetheless. And guess what? In 8th period (last period) our principal handed out bags of hot, buttery popcorn. I don't know why, but WOW it was good. I was quite thirsty afterwards though, and I couldn't get a drink out of the water fountain because we wern't allowed out of the classrooms.

No school tomorrow since it is Good Friday. Have a lovely weekend everybody!
WOW my comment will be the first on this post,that's a rarity...
I'm glad you're still alive :)
Popcorn from the teachers?? was it poisoned :P don't worry,that's just a bad joke. That was a very sweet thing for them to do :)
Haha. I knew they were joking!.I don't have school tomorrow too. I'm excited, and it's going to be gorgeous out!!
Oh, I tagged you on my blog!
Haha sounds awesome! I'm homeschooled so I miss out on the fun of half days and no school. Oh well :( I'll be posting your tag tonight I just haven't had time to do a post. Have a nice weekend :)
You watched Old Dogs??
AHH that's worse than social studies class! Haha well at least your alive.
Oh My GOODNESS!!!! Wish something exciting like that would happen at our school, but it doesn't.
Glad to hear your okay and with the popcorn...something suspicious is happening...
Thank-you again for the awards, and for accepting my horrible talent at never replying to comments =s. I confess I'm lazy.
xx Felicity.
Yay! I'm so glad you made it out alive! I also love the days that happens and it's a free day!!
Gah! I entirely forgot about april fools!
dammit =(!
thanks for your lovely comment, your posts are truly wonderful x)
xx scarzz
You're so lucky! The people in my school just point say-Oh look, a monkey, April Fools! Completely unoriginal.
sounds fun!
Glad you're okay. Anyway, I always hated health (I took it last year). The teacher was an old guy in his seventies who liked calling us SOS. Lol, it means "stuck on stupid". The funny part was at the end of the nine weeks, he read us his poetry. Yeah, he was a poet. Lol. =]
great post.
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