This is not a joke.
We got a note sent home yesterday that said recently there was a note in the high school's boy bathroom saying they were going to do something harmful on Thursday, April 1, 2010. (Today!)
Some parents probably aren't letting their kids go to school. I am though. (I should be gettting ready for school now, but I'm blogging. :)
So, seriously people, I hope nothing happens.
The note that got sent home yesterday said there would be more "student supervision at arrival and dismissal times." And they might "check our bags and backpacks if needed." Okay, they can check my bag if they want, there's nothing bad in mine.
For some reason, everyone says the threat is a bomb. But it didn't say that on the note, so I don't know.
Okay everyone, I must be going to school. Hopefully nothing bad happens...

Lol for some reason that's what it said on google today instead of "Google." WTH? :)
Yikes! I have had a bomb threat before and I was super nervous until the days end, however it wasn't on April Fools Day! How uncool is that?! Just be careful and let us know if your day goes without a hitch!!!
I saw that as well! Are they trying to throw us off? Luckily the colors remain the same so even though it was 6am I wasn't totally confused!
Funny! Happy April Fools :) xx
STAY SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Topeka, Kansas changed its name to Google and Google changed its name to Topeka. :)
Don't you think that it is odd that they are saying that they MIGHT check your school bags? If it was serious, then they would definitely check your bags or close the school for the day!
Stay safe, sweetie....or better still, play sick and stay at home!
Big hugs!
LOL! So you're sure its not an April Fool's joke the whole school is playing on the students?
Hahaha Topeka... I guess now its T-Mail and not G-Mail...
Oh no! I remember being in high school and having to evacuate the building because some idiot kid wrote some kind of threat!!! Yikes!
Haha Google rocks. I love the little things they do to their logo/font to celebrate special days/events.
Happy April Fool's Day! ;) Hope you emerged from this day unscathed. <3
Ohh wow scary!! Are you still alive?
haha wow thats so cool... not the part about cheking back packs but well be careful.
hope you don't get bombed!!! :-o
Haha..High school is fun!. But seriously, I hope they didn't do any crazy things!
I saw the "Topeka" thing too..I'm used to saying google. Saying Topeka sounds weird! lol
Hope all goes well :)
I enjoy your posts,I don't want them to stop!
I think google is playing tricks...ah well
Happy April Fools ;)
Hehe *crosses fingers* good luck!
probably a not so funny April fools joke. But I'm still worried :(
They changed google to topika as an april fools joke! They were sayimg that it was changed permanantly, which is a lie.
I've had someone bring knives to school before but never a bomb. It must be scary to go to school. Hope it's nothing serious. - Hannah.
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