Okay, so, we all know from my big post earlier about how we won semi-state. Then, we went to state on Saturday. In the one hundred years our school has been around, we've been to state 3 times (including this time), and we've never won. NEVER!!!
I had to get on the bus by 7:30 a.m., so I had to get up at 6. (But as Maly knows, this isn't a problem for me. ;) So, I got there, and my best buds Kaleshia and Sarah wern't there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What was I going to do???? A 4 hour bus drive allllll alone? I'm used to being alone, but today was supposed to be SUPER fun! I still had some hope though. I got my clarinet, my music, both of their clarinets and their music. So, I had a lot of stuff to carry. I even dropped all of the music on the way to the bus. :(
I got on the bus, and neither one of them were there. I called Kaleeps and her phone was off. I didn't know Sarah's number. So all of the buses just waited. And waited. And waited. Yeah, 3 huge buses were waiting to go to state for 2 girls. I already had a good feeling Kaleshia wasn't going to come. But Sarah? She never said anything about NOT coming. Finally, she pulled up and got on the bus, albeit 20 minutes late. At least I wasn't going to be alone.
We didn't do much on the way up there. I read, took funny pictures and took a slight nap. ;)
Our game started, and it was soooooo close the ENTIRE time! We'd make a 2, they'd make a layup. We'd make a three, then they'd make a 2 and get fouled. We screamed a lot of crowd cheers. When our freshman(grade 9), who is on the varsity team (that means you are very good, because usually it's only grade 11 and grade 12 people on the varsity team. The bad thing is, her sister, who is grade 11, isn't even on the varsity team!), made all kinds of points, we yelled, "That's our freshman!" clap, clap, clap, clap, clap! It was fun. :)
Then, after they were ahead 4 points, and the game was almost over, I didn't think we were going to win. But, then, yes, we caught up, and it went into overtime!!!!!! (For those of you who don't know what that is, it's when at the end of a game and both teams are timed, they add 4 more minutes to the game to let them battle it out so someone can win.)
Overtime board^
The crowd, cheerblock & band was very excited!
We had a minute and a half left.....and we were ahead! Could we possibly win State???
YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!After 100 years, Austin Eagles are the State Champions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By 5 points.
Now it was time for the big tropy, cutting of the nets, and one girl on our team would get money for college.
All of the girls super pumped...
Katy Mac (as we call her. Her real name is Katy McIntosh) cuts down one of the nets to bring back to Austin. Oh, and she won the scholarship. :)
The girls, cheerleaders, coaches and Yoshi (our mascot) pose for a picture.
After that, we had to load onto the bus and go to McDonalds. And not just the band bus. Two more fan buses also went into McDonalds!!!!!! Imagine, 3 busloads of people plus normal customers in one little McDonalds. Let's just say, Sarah and I ran as soon as we got off the bus, and we got first in line. :) Me and Sarah.
The beautiful sun on the way home. ^
The ride home seemed sooooooo much longer than the ride there. It was fun though, because I sat in the back with all of the idiots. The funny idiots, though. ;) When we got back, I took a picture of our big sign in the hallway. ^
Although, we aren't A-Town State Bound anymore. We're A-Town State Champs!!!!!!!!!!
E-A-G, L-E-S
Eagles all the way!
Have a wonderful day everyone.
And don't forget, ask me any question at: http://formspring.me/AbbyHall
Sounds like a fun day! Overtime must have been intense, though, hehe. Congrats! And I also love the picture of you and your friend, you're both so pretty :)
Francesca-It was sooo intense. Thanks. :)
Wow that must have been a really exciting game!! It sounds like you had a lot of fun :)
Nicole-It was!!! I did.
Congratulations! I used to be a cheerleader back when I was in high school, I can relate to the excitement you guys must've felt at the game! :D
And hahaha I love your friend Kaleshia's t-shirt. Tres cute! x
Julia-Really? I didn't know that.
We were uber excited!
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