Warning: You might want to have some time to read this post!
Part 1??? Part 1???
I couldn't post it ALL in one post! But I promise it WILL NOT drag out I'll do one after the other. (Which means you'll have to sacrifice another Random Wednesday! :( )
So, there will be three parts.
This is Part 1; the soundcheck party. There was not that many people there and Jonas only sang 3 songs. Demi didn't sing any. This was the first time I saw them in the flesh.
Part 2: Demi's part/Camp Rock
Part 3: Jonas Brothers
Okay, I'm gonna say all about it, then the pictures. :)
First off, when it got to one month until the concert, I hung a piece a paper on my door that said, "BLAH days untl the concert!" The days just kept getting smaller and smaller. :)
I went with Breanne(click on her name to go to her blog..follow PLEASE! :). We left school at 1:30. We were SO PUMPED! I had to wear one of her Jonas shirts since I didn't have any. This was my first Jonas/Demi concert. This was her fourth JB concert. She loves them sooooo much! :D (As I do.) Her mom was going to drop us off and pick us back up. Her mom gave us plenty of water...we drank it all! 3 bottles each for us! Haha.
We got lost on the way to Cincinnati. Breanne was telling her mom where to go (based on the directions they printed off) and her mom got on the wrong exit! We started freaking out but we got back on the interstate.
It takes about two and a half hours to get to Cincinnati. That was the shortest trip of my life. It literally felt like it was about 10 minutes! We stopped at McDonalds. And Wal-Mart. That same day (August 10) of the concert the Camp Rock 2 soundtrack came out! So Breanne got that and we listened to it on the way there. :)
We got there and she dropped us off. There were a whole bunch of lines and we were a bit confused to which one we were supposed to stand in. Breanne just kind of guessed and we were in the right line. We had the VIP passes for the soundcheck. We went and got in another line and we got bags! :) It had a blanket, JB notebook, pen, and a little money holder wallet thing(which is where my money is now!) in it. The bag was pretty and blue.
We went to another set of gates to get to the soundcheck. We were kind of confused there. No one would help us either. There were just a bunch of girls our age. Then we saw an older lady, but she was with a group. We just said, "Is this where we're supposed to be for the soundcheck?" She said, "This is a closed group." And she was just acting ridiculous. She went up to a security person and was like "I don't know what these girls are asking, but my group is by its self." I wanted to scream GOD LADY WE DON'T WANT TO BE IN YOUR GROUP! WE JUST WANT TO WAIT IN THE RIGHT PLACE! Then the person that would bring us to the soundcheck came and said "Let's go." So we were in the right place and that lady and her group wern't the only ones going. Geez. People.
We got to the soundcheck and there were quite a few people there, but not much. I don't know how to explain it. Let's just say, if that many people showed up for a concert, there probably wouldn't be a concert because there wouldn't be enough people. And they just seated you according to who got there first. There were no specific seats for this. Me and Breanne were, like, in the very back. BUT STILL IT WAS SO CLOSE! I was freaking out!
And let me tell ya, it was VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY hot that day. VERY! Even at the actual concert, Demi was like "How are you guys doing this?" And Joe and Demi both tweeted that day things like "Sooo..hot..." "#Heat #Sweltering." Which they hadn't done for the other concerts.
We waited and waited and then Alyson Stoner, Anna Maria Perez de Tagle, Mdot and Jordan came out. They are from the Camp Rock cast. They just talked and asked questions. Then they danced to a song. I can't really remember. Was it a Camp Rock song???...
THEN DEMI CAME OUT! AHHHH! I was like, "She's right there! In the flesh!" She looked really pretty in her blue dress. She didn't sing anything, like I said, but she did ask questions. She's so funny! Like, this one little girl asked a question and Demi goes "I have no idea what you just said but I think that's the highest voice I've ever heard and you're so cute!" LOL. I could've asked her a question. The guy with the mic was RIGHT beside me. But I couldn't think of anything! And I just didn't want to say anything. I guess there was just too much preassure on me cause I had to think of a question at THAT MOMENT! Haha.
Then just all of a sudden Demi goes "The Jonas Brothers!" And they came out. I just froze while everyone else was sceraming their heads off. I saw Nick and my face felt really tingly. My face had never felt like that before. I couldn't really breathe and I was just staring.
I felt like I was going to faint.
Then they said "Hello everybody!" And I kind of snapped out of it and returned to normal.
I can't remember everything they said, but then they started to sing! They sang threee songs. The first one they sang was BB Good. Now I just kind of thought of this: That was the first song I ever heard them sing live...gotta remember that!
Then Video Girl. :)
Finally, Year 3000. We all enjoyed that. They didn't sing BB Good and Video Girl at the concert, so that's awesome that I got to hear that.
OMJ NIck looked REALLY GOOD! I was so pumped to how close he was to me...
And when Joe came up to the little circle thing that was right next to the crowd, I freaked! That made him even closer! Ahhh!
But they are everything I expected. SO nice and great performers. At one point this one girl gave them a big book that she had made for them. :) So cute.
Now these words and pictures could not EVEN DESCRIBE how much fun I had!!! I seriously was soooo happy and then I remembered, "Wait, we still have to go to the acutal concert!" :)
I will post Demi's part of the concert...ehh sometime next week. Lol. I will be with the bff Hannah all weekend. Because she moved and I never get to see her.
Here are my pictures. :) I HAD TONS MORE! (And even more good ones) but I didn't want to kill ya'll.
Wait first the 3 videos of them singing each song! I used youtube...sorry! I didn't have enough time to upload mine!
The blanket looks black, but it's just a navy blue.
Me and Breanne. :) PUMPED!
From left to right: Jordan, Alyson, Anna and Mdot.
DEMI! :)
BIG ROB! (Jonas Brothes' body guard.)
OMJ!(Oh my Jonas) Nick, Joe and Kevin!
This is NO ZOOM!
They brought up some girls to do musical chairs.
The book the girl made them. Awww. :)
Kevinnnnn! :)
The Nick gallery from the Soundcheck. ♥
Sweeping back his beautiful locks...
Joeee! :) Breanne's man...
And here's the shirt I got at the concert. I LOVE IT! :))) I wear it all the time. And it has the cities on the back. We were the third show.
Have a good weekend everyone!
omfg jonas brothers <3
OMG Sounds like you had a totally awesome time!!!! I'm sooo jealous :) LOL :P
Oh Dearest Abby, I read all of this! It was fun :) It reminds me of how excited I was for my Taylor concert!! :)
AND OMG, Demi is wearing the dress from Urban Outfitters I desperately want haha!
Sounds like it was a night you won't forget:)
I'm not really a big fan of the JB, but it sounds like loads of fun. I'm glad that you had such a fab time and can't wait to read part 2&3 =) Lots of endless love <3
It looks like you had a really great time. I'm not really a fan of JB, but I'm still jealous. I'd love to have an idol whose concerts would drive me crazy & make me happy!
hey Abby! :D omg it's been too long! sorry love I haven't been on ur lovely blog! bad me!
omg it sounds like you had a wild fun concert night! so happy for you!
I agree, demi looks beautiful!:D
OMJ!!!!:) GUYS, IT WAS FLIPPING AMAZING!!!!:) <3 Thanks for the post, vids, and pics Abigail!!!!:) AND MY JOE SECTION!!!!:) You accidentally switched Mdot and Jordan around, but oh well!! Haha. Oh, and btw (you forgot to say it, but) JOE'S BRINGING SEXY BACK!!!!:) <3 Yeah, yeah. Haha. Or was that a different pic?
Brea <3's Joe
Aww. Just when I hit post, Kevin's Lunchables commercial came on!!!!:) KEVIN JONAS!!!!:) I love that man!!!!:) <3 ;)
Brea <3's Joe
that is so awesome. I have never been to a concert before. I am hoping to go to one because they always have bands come and play near me
Awee I'm so happy for you! It's really great seeing a band that you love live, it's just a whole other experience! I can't wait for part 2 and 3! Btw thanks for the lovely message you left me, made my day ! ♥
a;fhousvh;go;aoidv; I am so jealous!
They're never gonna come here D:
Nick's my favourite too ;)
Can't wait to read the rest! :D
xoxo Emma
That looks so fun! And you were SO close! Definitely worth the annoying cranky woman.(:
Looks like a lot of fun!
DEFINITELY Francesca and tywo. :) ♥ Definitely!!!!:) ♥
Brea <3's Joe
whoa!! u were SO CLOSE to the stage!! :)
Glad u had fun :]
wow...omgosh wow (speechless)
that must have been amazing for you! i'm personally not a fan, but i'd probably still get pulled into mass hysteria along with everyone else-haha!
glad you had fun!
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