So...right after the sound check me & Breanne were super pumped! We left and went to go get a shirt or whatever we wanted to buy. You guys already seen my shirt which I ♥. Then we met her mom in the parent's where parent's could hang during the concert. BUT it wasn't the parents spot..I guess that was an iffy thing and it ended up being that there wasn't even one of those. She was sitting where people waited to go and meet the Jonas Brothers. It was very hot and she was ready to just leave until the concert ended. So we just sat with her for about 10 minutes or so and drank some water. Then we left to go get our seats. AHHH! :D When we got to the arena or whatever, we just kept going up row by row & we were flipping out because we were just getting closer and closer to the stage! When we got to our seats we were so excited! SO CLOSE! We were on Kevin's it was a perfect spot really!
So we waited and waited and waited. Alison Stoner (part of the Camp Rock 2 cast) and some other people came out and entertained us for a while and Alison sang her new single.
THEN DEMI CAME OUT! She started singing with the Camp Rock 2 cast (besides JB) and sang Start the Party, Fire and We Rock. I was so excited because I'm used to singing along to these songs...but not with the cast right there with me! :)
Then Demi started singing her songs! Here's what she sang:
Get Back, La La Land, Remember December, Catch Me, Don't Forget, Got Dynamite and Here We Go Again. AHHH at the end I was like "OMG." Because that's pretty much all of her awesome songs. =) Especially Catch Me. Andddd in Catch Me instead of saying "Into this beautiful moonlight" she said "Into this Cincinnati moonlight." :))))
Now, I have some videos, but it takes FOREVER to upload so I got some from YouTube. I just picked the ones I really liked. Here's La La Land, Catch Me and Brand New Day. If you want to watch them.
Demi looked super gorgeous as usual! :) She had a black dress then a pretty colorful one. Then during the JB part she had a purple one. I love Demz cause she sings soooo well live! Her voice is purely amazing! Not Miley-fake-like. That's why I can't stand when people compare Demi to other Disney stars...I don't see Demi as a Disney star at all. I want her to break away from Disney...she's so much better & she'd get tonssss more fans!
And here are my pics. :) They showed a little clip. :)
Catch Me. =)
Then she & the Camp Rock 2 cast (besides JB) sang Brand New Day (love it!), Can't Back Down, It's Not Too Late and It's On. :)
The went farrrr beyond the roof....!
aaahhh awesome! i wish i was there. the only concert i went to was a miley cyrus one and she flew out over a crowd of five year olds when she was wearing a dress -_- my mom got those tickets instead of demi lovato tickets even though the demi tickets were still on sale :(
2nd one to comment!!!!:) I haven't actually read it yet. I will after I get done writing this, I just really wanted to comment asap. Haha. ;)
Wow. AWESOME!!!!:) I expect to get an ear full about Jonas Brothers :) ♥ , rigggghhhht? :) ♥ Haha.
Brea <3's Joe
P.S. Woops. Forgot to put my signature on the last comment.
holy moly that audience was HUGE, no wonder she has such nice clothes ahaha, but talk about stage fright.
ajailbflbvj I looooove Demi!
She is so amazing omg.
Still so jealous of you!!
& my hair is currently blonde, not red LOL (although red hair would be fab) , its just getting darker now and yeah :/
can't wait to read about Jonas :D
AWESOME! I looooove Catch Me, when I read that she played it and you posted a video, I was psyched.
oh wow!! it sounds like you had an amzing time :)
thank you for all the comments you leave me, your very sweet and always ery encourageing!! Im sorry im rubbish at replying.
Hahaha awww it looked like so much fun! I could feel the energy and excitement just by looking at the photos. Have a great week, darling! x
awww this looks like a blast miss Abby :) Is there a part 3 coming?? :) I just love Demi. I agree completely, she's so much more than a disney girl!!! She deserves more than Miley has, that's for sure.
And yes, my title was from the Jonas brothers song! It's my boyfriend and my "song" hehe :) I'm sure you love that! haha.
Hello, soz I haven't commented in a while. Cool pics. Never been to demi concert...
omg Abby this looks amazing! what a party! Demi looks gorgeous!
lovelovelove her dress!
I agree I love her songs too :)
OH WOW! This mustve been so cool :D
Hope you like my jumpsuit post and follow my blog too :)
-Gayle from
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