How has everyone been? Me, alright. Yesterday wasn't so great.
BUT today is a brand new day. :) And I'm feeling goooodd. Haha that's a song from Camp Rock 2 called "Brand New Day."
Soooo I haven't done awards in FOREVER! And I'm so behind! So I'll do one.
It's simple...

All's I gotta do is award this to 3 people! I have A LOT of favorite blogs but here's 3 I'm REALLY LOVIN as of now: (And they're GREAT, so check 'em out!)
~Lilly from [I want to be Forever Young] (Beautiful pictures..!)
~Maggie from Lifesize Paperdoll (This girl is AH-MAZING!)
~Jade from Bug Being Bug (Really makes me THINK!)
As you all know, I am COMPLETELY in love with him. (It's a one sided relationship for now. ;) )
And I just got all of my favorite pictures of him and made it into a post.
EVEN if you don't like him, take a look at these! No, I don't just love him because he's adorable and the sexiest man ever...I love his personality (serious yet hilarious at the same time) and his voice and how he can play any instrument he touches.
I love HIM! Everything about him! He is my dream man...I couldn't have made one better myself!
So here ya go:
Jonas Brothers on-the-road softball team called "Road Dogs."

READ IT! (Click on the picture to make it bigger.)
His song about his Diabetes ♥ "A Little Bit Longer."

Baby Nicholas! Let's all say it "AWWW!"

OH MY GOSH! I want this! :))))
This isn't really him but we all know that's what's REALLY under Nick Jay's shirt! ;)
Okayy...let me explain this. JB couldn't do a concert because of the floods in Florida. Nick meant to say "Love you all." As soon as he clicked the "tweet" button...twitter was ON FIRE! We were burning it up son! It was on the top trends list like 20 minutes later!
Hope everyone enjoyed that! I know I sure did!
Next post: FINAL Jonas Brothers concert post.
happy birthday to him!
How are you? I missed reading your blog.
I hope you have a great day!
You haven't posted in awhile, I've missed your crazy randomness! =) Happy birthday to Nick Jonas! I hope to invited to the wedding when Nick finally pops the big question, haha =)Lots of endless love! <3
I loved this post! I'm also in love with Nick Jonas haha(:
PS: I'm a freshman and I'll be turning 15 soon so we are almost the same age! Sorry that was kind of random haha
Love your blog!
Heyy. ♥ this post and every single pic on there. Especially the one where you can see my man's cheek sticking out big time 'cause it's stuffed w/ burger!!!!:) :P ♥ How are you doin' on the no sugar thing? :) I'm doing guh-reat!!!!:) Anyways, I was technically the 2nd to comment since I commented on it out loud in english. :) Love ya girl!! :) Ttyl!!
Brea <3's Joe
Loge...I should totally use that somewhere. Congrats on the award. :)
you've been tagged.
Nick is my favorite Jonas brother! He is indeed quite good looking(: And I love the long quote from him.
So cute. I am sorry i have been so busy i have been unable to post or comment or read. I am catching up on my reading now and maybe later i can post.
congrats girl! :) omg Nick is so cute too! awww he's 18 now! perfect ahah
I miss ya girl! :)
nice pics! I love the burger pic and the last pic of him laughing!
Sweet round up of pics, I like the one of him in the tux, ;)
I liked your commment about how your relationship is completely one sided for the moment, that made me LOL! (:
haha i like this post. A LOT.
nick jonas is kind of my favorite. :))))
Abby dear, I hope you are having a fantastic week.
I love the Nick Jonas Tribute. It's legit:)
<3 Devin
Hey "sweet abby lynn"!!
I hope school is going great!! I would LOVE to hear and update on HIGH SCHOOL!!! yes?
By the way, your poetry is great...because it came form YOU!!!
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