I know I promised to do the Jonas concert post...but I'm not done! So, I'll just finish up my Myrtle Beach trip. This is the final post!
Fellow Bloggers: "It's About Time Abby!" (haha that's the name of a Jonas album minus the Abby part.)
I know, I know! Sheesh... X)
On Friday we went to the Liberty Steakhouse, which is at Broadway at the Beach, which is where we also went on Tuesday night. I just love that place! :) So much to do...so little time!
Those cheese fries were amazing...after I picked all of the yucky stuff off! ;)
The place reeked of yeast...they made their own beer!

Oh the things we could find in a store...
Haha...instead of a rock climbing wall they had little coconut trees to climb...now that looks way harder!!!
You know those bubbles you can get in? I got in one! I saw it and I was like, "I've ALWAYS wanted to do that!" So me and my brother did! You stay in there for 3 minutes...yes that is enough! Trust me! It's hot and echoey. You can hear the sounds outside of the bubble, but you can't decipher words. It's really weird. It's quiet and loud at the same time. It could make a person go insane, I'm telling ya. It's like you're in another world. I was SO DIZZY when I got out.!

Last night. :( Anthony doing a flip into the pool.
Us on a lifeguard chair thingie majig...look how tan!
Do you all recall on my first post about my Myrtle Beach trip? We stopped at a A&W/Long John Silver's in Kentucky on the way there...and we stopped at the same place on the way back! AND NO THIS IS NOT ROOT BEER! I hate root beer. But they gave me this cup...this is Pepsi. Lol.
So finally! That was my five day trip to Myrtle Beach. If you're REALLY BORED and a new-ish reader go back and read my other posts on my trip...they're more interesting than this one.
I am doing Spanish homework. 4 pages worth. Yepp. 2 girls got in trouble so we all got assigned homework. Gotta love Senorita McNew.
Abby! I've missed you so much! I'll email you right now!! The hampster balls look so fun and It look slike you have had a lot of fun! Sorry for the spanish homework, thats a drag. xoxo
ABBY! You are allowed to tell me that CR2 is epic beyond proportions but you are not, under any circumstance allowed to tell me anything more! HAAH I wanna see it so bad!
Love Xx.
Wow you really know how to vacation, I really need to get to Myrtle beach soon, these Myrtle Beach posts makes me wanna go there so bad! Ah! Haha. Lots of love! <3
I really, really, need to go in one of those bubbles one day. That's pretty freaking amazing.
Looks fun(:
I love root beer. well some days it is a little nasty but for the most part I love it. and I have a lot of geometry and we had our first scrimmage today against the best team in town and we played well but we lost... by a lot
i am very jealous you got to go in one of those giant bubbles, living the dream!
haha rosie xx
Awesome awesome post :)
I love those sphere things on the water! Looks like you had lots of fun!
OMG those bubble things look like so much fun! You're trip looks like so much fun and you are so pretty. :)
BUBBLES! Oh my gosh >< That must have been awesome!
And nice use of bitchin, in your last comment it made me smile. XD
Wow, Myrtle beach looks awesome :) I'm actually excited for your coming Jonas Brother concertpost & I'm not even a fan!
PS. You have a true talent for writing the sweetest comments :) thanks!
you're so cute :)
CR2 is premiering in my country this Sunday , my little cousin was so excited about it
I really really want to try one of the bubbles out :) Looks like such a good experience!
My heart goes out for you on the Spanish homework, but for the bubble thing, it's just green with envy =)
dude--that bubble thing over water looks wickedawesomecool. I gotta try it.
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