My Lovely Followers :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Out of Here

I wanna get out of here.

Away from these people

Away from the pain.

Away from the stress.

No more hiding.

No more games.

To a place where there is only a





And when I go to bed at night

I'll be happy

and content

and I'll know where I should be

right here with you.

Sorry for this ridiculous post everyone just thought I might share how I feel and some lovely pictures I've discovered. I think I'm a too cheerful blogger. I'm just so ready to go to the this time next week I will be! I'm ready for a change. And forget about these people.

So share what you all are feeling right now.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Awards....yet again!!!




Bubbles, Charlotte, Ashley, Akmar Amon, todoestuttifrutti^^*, Teresa, Mizz Ali, Bethany,, S and O Reyes, Elisabeth, Megan, Hazel Anne P, Ruth, Victoria, Becky, Lola, WILDasaMINK, Talia, Stina, Jennie, Cherre, Catherine, Kim, Mel, Maria, Kalie, Meleonie, Imola, Barney, Leviana, iLove, Sanchez, Ally, Bree, Lindsay, yesloveno, Toongen, Suyinhaynes, Shannon, Jomiee, Savannah, Latanie, It's Simple Love, Mollie, Addie, ChristieJo, Smileyfreak, Tiana, Ninja Lover, Sabine, Alice, Cristal, Cass, Peppercorn Swirls, Cadence, Gabrielle, Andy, Maly, Jamie, Reesah, Courtney, Katie, Razzle, Francesca, Erimentha, Seli, Bleah, Amanda, Florence, Tywo, Brooke, Camelgirl, Nabilah, Blaize, Andrea, Julia, Liberty, T M, Lilah, Missy, Ashley, Anna, Dandalily, Carla, Whisper Of A Laugh, Amelia, Aine, Bree, Kylie, Hogwart Fan, Katherine, Katrina, Blair, Anclausen, Rockininmyvans, Sari, Hannah...

and last but not least MAGGIE!!!! She made my followers 100, and her blog is sweet & fun; I really enjoy it! Here's the link:

Hey erbody. It's been a great day, like all Wednesdays are...but no random pics today! I have so many awards/tags I have to catch up on! So here is 2 I have been graciously given to by Gabrielle. Seriously guys, check her blog out! Here soon when she has about 2,000 followers, you'll wish you'd followed her! ;)

Chistie Jo also gave me this award. She's awesome!!!

Hee hee isn't this one cute??? Stinky Gabrielle already awarded it to the obvious music loves though, so this one'll be hard! (tee hee I still love you Gabby!)

Here are the rules:

1. List your top 10 favorite songs on your i-pod.

Okay everyone, these are just the top 10 AS OF NOW! & I'm doing the songs on my playlist on the bottom of my sidebar.

~Sorry by the Jonas Brothers ~Hallelujah by Kate Voegle (AH-MAZING!) ~Break your Heart by Taio Cruz

~I Can't Be Tamed by Miley Cyrus ~Nothing on You B.O.B. ~Remember December by Demi Lovato

~Alejandro by Lady Gaga ~Bad Romance by Hayley Williams (it's her cover of it, and it's not on my playlist but I listen to it everyday on Youtube.) ~Across the Universe by the Beatles anddd Paprazzi by Greyson Chance...again, it's his cover of it, it's not on my playlist but I listen to it EVERYDAY on Youtube. Seriously guys, if you haven't heard of him go Youtube him really quick!!!!

2. State what color your ipod is.


3. Give this award to 11 music-loving bloggers

~Bleah ~Tiana ~Maly and Mollie ~Andrea ~Teresa ~Frangipani Princess ~Kylie ~Seli ~Brooklynn ~Fia

So there you go!!!

Next up:

This Inspirational Blog Award, which I'm very proud to be awarded. :) No rules for this one, just award 5 inspirational bloggers!
~Miss Mayhem

And still more awards to come!!!

And yay I got my first issue of Vogue in the mail today!!! Blake Lively is the on the cover. :)


Monday, May 24, 2010

My 8th grade dance...

So as you all know I went to my 8th grade dance on Friday. It was Hawaiin themed and I had tonnnsss of fun! :) So take a look:

So of course, you all have seen this pic above...just a recap though!

Hee hee random pic of me and mumsey. (that's what I call her on occasion)

Me in my dress. :) I was wearing white flip-flops.

Me and mom. Everyone says we look alike, but I just don't see it! ;)

Me, mom and Bryan. It was very rainy outside!!!

I got to the dance and of course I was a teensy bit nervous...but then I saw Brookie and everyone. So, some of you know Brooke from My life as Brooklynn. And if you don't know by now, we go to the same school. Anyways, she's the one in the white dress...isn't she pretty?

This is me and Hannah, my best friend. Remember her? For the new followers, at the beginning of my blog, I posted a pic of me and Hannah and made everyone guess which one I was before anyone knew what I looked like. Everyone guessed Hannah except 2 people! Lol an anonymous person even said "You're pretty but you're friend is gorgeous." I love you too random citizen!

Me and some of my friends.... :)

Me and Skylar...she's a little shorty! Also Brooke's bestie.

This is Breanne. We've been friends for a very long time, and she is my Jonas BFF. This is the one I'm going to the Jonas concert with. This'll be her fourth one! Her man is Joe Jonas, and I honestly believe she is one of the biggest Jonas fans out there. I know what you're thinking: "Abby, you know there are millions of people out there that love the Jonas brothers...I doubt you're little friend is one of their biggest fans." Yeah, but you know, if you think about it, there has to be a top ten list of the people that LOVE the Jonas brothers the most...I mean come on! And Breanne really does. Not just because they're hot and the "in" thing. She believes they're truly awesome people (like I do), has pretty much everything of theirs, knows everything about them and absolutely adores them and their music. I truly believe she is one of the top 10 fans out there and I'm proud that she's my friend!
This is Sarah. You all should know her by now; she was in all of my King's Island pics...

This is Cassie and Whitney. They're the 2 funniest and craziest people I know and I'm proud to say that both of them are some of my best friends.

Of course, I never really feel like dancing at the beginning, but once you get me started I won't stop. I can't be tamed. I danced until it was over. We all did. We done big conga lines too all over the cafeteria.

This is my favorite picture because it has all of us in it. Kristen (my cousin) beside me, and then Hannah, Whitney and Cassie in the back.

Me, Alexis, and Breanne.

Me and Maggie the bathroom!

See the woman to the left of the picture in the blue dress? That's Ms. Schroer, my awesome teacher. She danced with us. She's the one that writes me the nice notes all of the time. And guess what she asked in one of them? If she could read my blog! So on the last day of school I'll give her a piece of paper with my link on it. :)

Sarah doing the Thriller dance. And yes they played Thriller!

Cassie and Kristen decided to bust out in random dance.

And my one of my friend's moms brought homeade rice-crispie treats, and I hate the homeade kind, only the brand from the store. But oh my gosh, this was a different story! These tasted just like the kind from the store, only better! Oh-em-gees I was in heaavveen...I ate 5. :)

And of course Mr. Deaton had to sing Blue Moon In Kentucky. Oh goodness.

It's sooo hot outside. I'm going to go take a swim in my pool. Have a wonderful night everyone!


h and I reallly want Lee to win on American Idol!!! Go Lee!

Friday, May 21, 2010

AHH & Award!

Heyy everyone, how has your Friday been treating you?

Well tonight is my 8th grade dance! I got my hair curled and I'm leaving in about an hour.

I've never had it curled before! Of course I'll make a post about all of the fun I had and pics...

So, I've been getting LOTS of awards, and don't worry, I've made a list so I don't forget to post about them. So surly (but slowly) I'll get them all done.

And...I have a list of people that I've given awards too. So I try to give them to my followers that I haven't awarded yet. But, if I've already given you an award, but I think you deserve this one, I'll give it to you!

The awesome Gabrielle first gave these two to me, and some other people awarded me, so thanks!

First, the Creative Writeer's Award! Here's the rules:

1. Tell the person who awarded you how you found their blog and why you joined.

2. Say if you've written lyrics, music, stories, or all of them.

3. Award 5 creative bloggers.

Okay, here I go!

1. Gabrielle, I don't know how I found your blog.I'm pretty sure you found me first and left a comment, then I went to your blog and it was awesome, so I followed! Your blog is blossoming and becoming better with each post! :)

2. I've written stories and some lyrics on occassion...

3. Peeps I award:

  1. Leviana She's really nice and she seems like someone I'd hang out with if I knew her.

  2. Ruth She's really creative and unique

  3. Sanchez If you haven't followed her, you need to! You're missing out; her posts are lovely.

  4. Bleah If you don't know Bleah or you've never heard of her, WOW. She's what I'd call a "social butterfly" in the world, and she has unique opinions about things.

  5. Cass Cass's writing is beautiful, her posts always make me think. :) I ♥ her & and her blog.

Now, the Lovely and Loyal Award. :)

Okay, here's the rules:

1. Say why you made your blog and if you expected it to be popular at all
2. State the exact date you started your blog
3. Nominate 10 loyal followers
  1. I made my blog because I was reading blogs anyways like Nabilah's, Julia's, and Blaize, and I commented as Anonymous. Then I got interested and I wanted to start my own blog. Of couse, I didn't think it would be popualr, but I joined other blogs I really liked and eventually followed me back. Thanks everyone!
  2. I'm pretty sure I started February 11th of this year.
  3. 10 loyal followers


Christie Jo







Mizz Ali





Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Random Wednesdays & A Few Other Little Things...

Happy Wednesday everyone! :) It is of course Random Wednesday time!
BUTTTTTTT you gotta listen to this first:

Bleah Briann is doing this little awards thingy on her blog, and she should have more people for it! First off, here's the link:
Those are just the POSSIBLE people that might win these awards. So, go to the link and nominate any blog for whatever award (that Bleah has listed) that you think they should win. Simple as that!
Now, time for Random Wednesdays. Not many pictures, but they're really epic. :)
(And speaking of epic, come follow my joint blog with Maly and Seli here: LINK. It's really cute and we are gonna post really fun stuff!)

So cute. My favorite Pixar film besides Toy Story, of course. :) I love that old man.

I LOVE Heath Ledger, and The Joker is my favorite role that he plays. I LOVE the joker as Heath portrays him, and I know every line of The Dark Knight that he says.

Isn't this lovely? Me and Brooke stared and stared at it as soon as I saw it on we heart it! ♥

And I found the above picture on tumblr this morning. Such a cute outfit!

And guess what?
I got tickets to the Jonas Brothers concert last night!!!!!! Me and my friend Breanne are going. We are very close to the stage and have this VIP thing where we get there earlier and we get to go into the sound check room!
I'm so excited! We're going on August 10th in Cinncinnati Ohio. :)))
Oh and I have recieved LOTS of awards, so I'll post some of them on my next post!
Have a lovely & random day everyone.
And if any of you have a facebook-tell me! We'll be "friends."

Tuesday, May 18, 2010





Sunday, May 16, 2010

King's Island!!!!!!

Hello my people! I haven't posted since Random Wednesdays, I know I know! But I've been working on this post for a while now-so many pics! Don't worry though, I've still been commenting on everyone else's.

First off-a BIGGGG thanks to my lovely 92 followers and the people that have awesome blogs that don't follow me but I follow them. Your all's blogs rock!

So as you all probably know on Saturday, May 8th I went to a theme park in Cinncinnati, Ohio called King's Island. It's got tons of rides and a water park, but of course the water park wasn't open yet! The newest ride is called the Diamondback, but the line was wayyyyy to long to ride! Anyways, the reason I went was for the high school band competition. Our school has been going for like, 50 years now, lol! First, we stopped off at the Loveland High School for the only took about 30 minutes! We done pretty good.

Me and Sarah on the way!!!

It was so so so cold and windy! It actually wouldn't have been that bad if it hadn't been so windy!
Our school band uniforms. :) Oh, and I play clarinet.

YAY! We got our tickets and we were on our way! I just took funny pictures and listened to music on the way.

See how cloudy? At least I wore capris, not shorts! I wish I would've wore pants though!

TeAnna, Stephen, Sarah (I call her Ser) and me.

The main attraction of King's Island is the "Eiffel Tower" that you can go up in. It's pretty darn tall!

Sarah insisted on taking this picture. TeAnna had to get on the ground to do it! Thanks TeAnna!

Oh, and did I mention it was "Gay Day" at King's Island. I guess that's the day when the gays and lesbians come, but do they get free admission or something? I never thought about it.

We got in line to go up in the Eiffel Tower. I've always been a bit scared of heights, but that fear has never gotten in my way. I'll go up, but NO ONE can touch me, cause I'm afraid I'll fall off. It was very very windy at the top and I was scared I was gonna blow away! And I almost did. When it got going really good I held on the side of the elevator for dear life! I shoulda got a picture.
Here's a video. It gets funny!

It was hard to get this pic cause me and TeAnna was scared to get near the side and the wind was blowing so hard!

Haha love this pic! See my crazy hair!? We had a ton of fun!

Haha, truth is, there was no drink in the cup!

View of the park from the Eiffel Tower. And that was only our first adventure...!

My yummy delicious food I had to eat super quick so it wouldn't get cold. But the orange Fanta I got was so flat! Ugh it was so nasty! Mmm and Stephen bought this yummy brownie, omg it was soooo good!

We went in the giftshop and saw these crazy hats!!!

And tried these awesome glasses on!!! We pretty much just went into the stores to get some warmth!
TeAnna, Sarah (and later Hayley who joined us) rode on this huge ride called the Delirium that I was too scared to go on at the time, but now I wish I had! Meanwhile, me and Stephen went and rode the Viking Ship. I love it!!!

I kept having to pee all day! This is us in the bathroom.

Went into another gift shop where they had even MORE crazy ass hats. This one was my favorite.

Isn't this epiccc? I asked my mom to get me this for my birthday!

We then went and rode our first roller coaster of the day called The Racers. We had lots of fun in line! We had this big long tube type of thing that we had bought to put that powder candy stuff. And then we were done with it. Well, while we were waiting in line, people were coming out of the roller coaster a floor above us. So I could reach up and poke the stick through the crack and scare the crap out of the people why they were walking. We were dying laughing. No one up there knew what it was. Lol. The Racers itself was really fun too!

Then, it was time for....The Beast. That's one of the oldest roller coasters they have. They've had it since 1979. It' wooden, by the way. It's really long-a 4 minute ride! Most are about 1 minute. The line was long, but it only took about 30 minutes to get through it. I met my husband in line. Oh, but that is too long of a story to tell!
I was really scared! But once we went down the hill, it was on! That coaster shook me sooo bad! The hill wasn't even the worst, it was the tunnels because we went through them so fast and I was shaking all over!
I don't even sceam on roller coasters. I have to make myself. But anyways, halfway through the ride I just start making conversation. :)

This is me after the Beast!

By then it was time for awards! We got there 2 minutes late because we couldn't walk very fast because our legs were so sore from walking all day.

We got second place! YAY! :)
We were then ready to go get back on the rides!
First thing though-they have a "kiddy" park (although to me it isn't even that kiddy.) and it is themed Nickelodeon. I went into to go ride the "Runaway Reptar." And guess what??? It's Charlie Brown now! I was so pissed, and I just stomped out of that place.
Then it was time for my favorite ride of the day: The Fear of Flight. Before I go any farther-let me tell you this. I've always been afraid of uspide-down anthing. I just hated it. So, halfway in line (which was very long, but I didn't care since it was inside and warm) the kid behind me was talking about all of the loops and everything. And I was like, "Gulp. LOOPS????" I kinda just sucked it up. Once we got into the main line, about ready to get in the line, I was thinking, "This won't be so bad." Then, I saw how fast the coaster shot off into the about wetting your pants. And the funny thing was, when the coaster came back to get the next people in line, NO ONE was on it, ready to get off. Every single time. So me & TeAnna really thought that they died or somthing. We sucked it up though and got on the ride. It shot off into darkness, and as usual, I closed my eyes. We just went into this big black hole and rode and rode and rode. Everyone was saying "Abby, open your eyes!" So I did. And guess what I saw? LOOPS! Millions upon millions of them! I had done it!!!!! I couldn't even tell we had, either. But then, the last big loop came, and I could feel that one boys! But I loved it. We got into a tunnell, and they were about to let us off. I yelled on the top of my lungs "THAT WAS FREAKING AWESOME!!!" Everyone looked back at me and laughed. Haha. Turns out though, they let us off at a different place than where they pick us up we didn't die!!!
Then, I wanted to ride the Vortex, which was upside down. But I didn't get to because the line was too long.
We then got on the bus and went to McDonalds-then home! I was very very tired.
We had a lot more little adventures, but there was too many to name them all!
I had super fun, and I get to do it 4 more times! (One for each year of high school.)
And I have a facebook now. So, if you all do, tell me your names on facebook so I can search you and add you! I love fb friends!!!

Oh, and this was a Wonka thing at a giftshop. YUM!