We celebrated yesterday evening though. But we're gonna go on the lake or something today.
Just wanted to show you guys my pics of my stuff I got from Maly in the mail a few weeks ago! :D
Aussie mix. :) I LOVE the song "Secret" by Missy Higgins. Check it out; it's on my playlist at the bottom of my blog. Number 8. It's awesome! :)
My drawing Maly made me! :)
And a random pic of me...like my shirt? (It's a school shirt I got from Wal-Mart.) :)
Have a good weekend, everyone!
happy fiftenth birthday! live it up while it's here =)
Happy birthday! Hope you enjoy your day!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great one!! (:
Happy fifteenth!!
Haaaaaaaaappy fifteenth! :D
It's funny how we're both freshman but you're turning fifteen and I only fourteen...
You only have five years until you're twenty. How's that feel?
I know I already wished you a happy birthday... but Happy Birthday again(: I have so much i want to post on my blog but I have a vlog i am still trying to upload to youtube then to my blog but i might just skip that post and come back to it... hmm sadnesss
Happy birthda girlie...Gosh you keep getting prettier! Have an awesome day!
Happy Birthday!
have fun & enjoy :]
Happy birthday to YOU!!!!!
HAppy birthday to you cha cha cha happy birthday to you cha cha cha happy birthday to abby! cha cha CHAAA happy birthday to YOU!!! CHA CHA CHA!!!!
have an awesome fifteenth!!!
Happy 15th Birthday!
>.< Rosalie
Happy fifteenth birthday! I hope all of your b-day wishes come true, and that you have a fab day =) Lots of endless love <3
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! So, how's it feel to be 15??
hey Abby! Omg I haven't visited your blog for awhile.
I'm so bad, definitely will be on your cutie blog as much as I can!
you look cute! :D
hope you're having fun!
did high school start yet for you?
Hey abby :) you have another package coming :) well Maly has to post it first..
Drats I'm a bit late, but still;
Happy Sweet Fifteenth!
happy birthday!
Happy birthday! I hope you had a brill day! Aww, you got a package! That's so cute! I love receving mail^^xoxox
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy birthdaaay. !
welcome to the fifteen year old world. ^^ Happy Birthday
(sorry for behing shittly late)
Happy late birthday Abby!
I hope you had a wonderful fifteenth birthday, dear.
happy birthday little one!
enjoy your gifts and your lake trip.
eat lots of cake.
wow that's awesome. I didn't post on my birthday--I was too busy. Please follow my blog!!
Happy 15th Birthday!!! I hope you have a wonderful year!! :)
:D haha coz I'm amazing like that!
Your going to be an amazing 15 year old and have a great year I can feel it lol
Pshhh What is miss mollie talking about ;) well you'll jus hafta wit and see!
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