The rules are:
1) post these rules
2) you must post 11 random things about yourself
3) answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post
4) create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer
5) go to their blog and tell them they've been tagged
6) no stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this/follow me' blah blah blah, you have to legitimately tag people
Okay, the questions she asked me are:
1) What is your favorite song?
Hmm.. I have a lot. But as of now, it's Lightweight by Demi Lovato. It's off her new album, & the lyrics and the pipes she has in this song are amazing ♥
2) Who is your favorite artist?
Oh my... I can't chose just one! Adele, Demi Lovato, Nick Jonas, Eminem, and Nicki Minaj are just a few of my favorites.

3) Name a hobby or passion you have?
I love love love to read. I also love to sing, but I'm not that good. I enjoy playing my clarinet.
4) Favorite quote?
"We're all so worried that people are watching and judging us, but in reality, they're too busy worrying about the same thing."
5) Are you athletic, artistic, or both?
Neither. I'm not very altletic, I like to play tennis and swim sometimes. I SUCK at art, that's why I'm in band. I'd say I'm a musical person.
6) One of your favorite movies?
Oh goodness...SO MANY. I really love The Breakfast Club ♥

7) Do you have a lucky number? What is it?
I have TERRIBLE luck. But 22 is my favorite number.
8) What is your favorite season?
Summer, NO DOUBT.
9) Do you have curly hair, straight, or in the middle?
My hair is very wavy. When it dries when I get out of the shower, it's just gross. It looks like I didn't even take a shower. That's why I hate my hair, I always have to do something with it for it to look decent.
10) Dogs or cats?

11) If you had one wish, what would it be?
To go back to the beginning of my freshman year & change a few things.
Questions for you:
1) Who is your favorite superhero?
2) Why did you start your blog?
3) Who is your favoirte artist?
4) What is the most important thing (to you) in a boyfriend/girlfriend?
5) What is your favorite tv show?
6) Are you an earlybird or nightowl?
7) Do you enjoy shopping?
8) Sweet or salty foods?
9) What is your favorite subject in school?
10) What's on your bucketlist?
11) Have you ever met anyone famous?
11 things:
1) I can't whistle, blow a bubble, or roll my r's.
2) I have a lot of nervous habits..biting my nails, picking my dead ends, etc..
3) I love Batman ♥
4) I bond with many different types of people. My band geeks, random seniors, people from other schools, emo people, goody two-shoes. I like hanging out with different people.
5) I am just now reading the Harry Potter series. I'm on #6
6) #TeamEdward #TeamGale
7) Unlike most girls, I wish I was fatter.
8) I have never rode on a plane.
9) I've been to 2 movie premieres, and going to another one soon.
10) I want a pet snake REALLY bad.
11) I'm getting my license this week :D
I tag:
I hope you all have been great! I've been pretty busy, as always. I guess that's just the life of a 16 year old.
And thank you all soooo much for the sweet comments ♥
Until next time,
Abby :)